October 30, 2013

Comfort me

O my love 
Comfort me with your
Sweet words of love
Take me whole
Bring me a smile for yours

My little baby 
Your words of innocence
Your laughter on my foolishness
Your play full times
Brings me a smile for you

Love and concern
Happiness and sorrow
everything shared 
Equal and parted 
with no difference 
Is all the Comfort,
I am looking for.................


  1. Our loved ones will always be there for us to give comfort.

  2. I love this. It brought a smile to my face. :)

  3. Babies! Yes, they do offer comfort b/c they force us to stay in the moment. Thank you.

  4. thank goodness for those that give it regardless,
    that share unselfishly their love
    and are not just in it for themselves

  5. the comfort of loved ones, nothing to surpass; have a blessed Wednesday

    much love...

  6. The most comforting of all. Beautiful!

  7. everything shared - That is a beautiful picture, the unselfish comfort with each other.

  8. So much comfort with love & laughter.

  9. There can be such comfort in the love of one's family. Babies do make me smile!


Thanks For Visiting me.... I am very Honored by your presence.... Sorry If I haven't replied to you.... Will surely visit your page and share my Thoughts.....

HAVE A GREAT DAY MY PALS............... ;)

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