September 4, 2013

Old but bold

Sitting on the new beds
On a new painted house
Everything is new
Feel the smell of fresh paint
Air with a chill
Still the cools surround
Lovely sky blue walls
With the ceiling Painted of starts
There stands in the corner
My old lucky Store
I store my jewels
I sore my Notes 
Documents and papers 
For not so imported 
To so precious of stones
Close the door 
its all scratchy and itchy
In its cuts it protects
Wobbling and gobbling
still Strong steel 
Storing as much as it could
My Great Father-in- Law owned it
Gave it to my husband
Now I own it
For it is only Property of heir I hold
6'foot tall Rusty Lucky Iron Cupboard...

Verse First ~ Right Under Your NoseThe Thing About RUST - Poetry Jam


  1. It sounds as if this is very special to you, a 'treasure' in which you keep your 'treasures.' Though it is old and sits among newness in a new painted house, it has a place of prominence in your heart.....all the more special because it is yours. Nice one!!

  2. Sometimes those old cabinets are worth more than gold. Sounds like lots of memories inside.

  3. Close the door
    its all scratchy and itchy

    I've known a few cupboards like this at work! The noise of them closing would set my teeth on edge...

  4. ah that is pretty cool that it has been passed down through the generations...i bet it carries a lot of stories in what it has held....

  5. A treasure trove of memories..precious!

  6. it's nice that it has renewed its life by your touch..

  7. Rich with sensory details! Way to go!

  8. It does look like it holds many treasures. Nice to have something that has been handed down through the years!

  9. I like the idea of a "lucky store" and it seems very important to you!

  10. Neat take on the rust prompt. (did you mean "sore" instead of 'store" in the middle of the first stanza?) What an unusual thing to have had handed down to you!

  11. memories stored up in that cupboard to be sure
    I love the contrast of the new with the old

  12. Nothing like an heirloom filled with memories to be renewed to begin storing them again..Lovely write

  13. lovely, what we store means so much to us, the treasure of our hearts.

  14. very nice )...We treat these heirloom as our precious legacy, memories freshen up every time, we look at them...Nicely done, Lasha.

  15. Lovely to know you have something precious reminding you of the lives that came before you ,,,, knowing it will pass to those after you.

  16. I have an old cedar chest where I store my treasures. I can relate to your cabinet and poem. Lovely


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