August 23, 2013

I Cried out

IN this time.....
Waiting for my love
As long as i could
He ran away
For another dude

Waited still
I could feel the spirit
Coming back to my shell
Hoping to bring him 
Under my spell

Waited long enough
One blooming day
Being in  his gloomy  place
I brought him to blossom
In my smell.

Waiting was finally over
Was not sure he will be mine
Finally came in his best mist
To Tell me 
"I love You for ever"

Awaiting flow away
Spirits suddenly spray
I cried out loud
In the sunny day

Will all the Joy in the world 
Tingling in my head
Never had such day
Whole of my life will never forget............

Poets United


  1. Sometimes the wait is worth while!!

  2. Thanks for bringing this interesting poem to dVerse. Not quite what the ballad form prompt was asking for, but an interesting read all the same.

  3. Very cute. and the repetitions works well

  4. smiles... nice that he came back... all the best for the two of you..smiles


Thanks For Visiting me.... I am very Honored by your presence.... Sorry If I haven't replied to you.... Will surely visit your page and share my Thoughts.....

HAVE A GREAT DAY MY PALS............... ;)

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