May 23, 2013

Truth.. is Scary

Scared to Share The truth
Which cant be hidden
Its a wild secret
That cant hold back

Scared to Share The truth
For fear of Rejection
For it might spoil the whole fun
and never to be the same

Scared to Share The truth
The true past of us
As it will give a gloomy present
and a Dark future

Scared to Share The truth
For it will affect your life
And will continue till you live
For the darkest truth is hard to accept

Scared to Share The truth
My wildest truth
As I had very little to defend
As it made my life the most ugliest

For verse first - wild-truth


  1. Truth is scary, there are so many aspects about ourselves about just being human that we can't accept. Its a shame to me that people are unable to see how beautiful they are =)

    1. Yes........ Life is Beautiful But....... Sometime you just cant say everything to everyone...... You know the truth even you accept them, for ur near and dear ones its hard to accept

  2. Yes, that's the trouble. Truth is often very scary.

    1. Yes........ Once i was in that situation and felt so scared and so awful....... Thanks for going through my blog mam..............

  3. Indeed truth is scary, and no you cannot tell your truth to everyone. If there is just ONE person with whom you can REALLY share your truth, you are blessed!

  4. A prayer and a confession - the poem has a a nice flow to it -

  5. Best to share with only those you can trust.

  6. This felt so sad to me. Fear is such a destructive power with which to live.

  7. I am saddened by the poem too, and hope that the narrator can find someone safe to share with, so that her future can be lighter and brighter. You have captured well that sometimes we cant tell those closest to us, for fear of repercussions. I know this very well.

  8. I like the way you describe why you are scared to tell the truth. Very nice.


Thanks For Visiting me.... I am very Honored by your presence.... Sorry If I haven't replied to you.... Will surely visit your page and share my Thoughts.....

HAVE A GREAT DAY MY PALS............... ;)

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